meh, getting repetitive at this point, like i actively hope one of these ladies successfully drops the licker with an rpg or something
should switch it up, make some girl on girl stuff or something
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meh, getting repetitive at this point, like i actively hope one of these ladies successfully drops the licker with an rpg or something
should switch it up, make some girl on girl stuff or something
wholesome 100
Visual bug: When in dungeon with Linda, if you poke her tummy too many times and get trapped in the meat, once you're released, it'll still appear as if you're trapped, even after leaving the dungeon. Loading a clothing set makes the clothes appear, but the body won't show up (possibly still behind the meat), so there'll just be floating clothes like John Cena is wearing them. Removing all lets the body show up again, and the body will still react to certain clothing (Breasts pressed together in a top, bulge present in lowers, but arms, legs, and head remain trapped in place.
Still a great game though, can't wait to see more.
Thanks, I will fix that!
mac download link doesnt work
Thank you for reporting that. It is fixed ;)
ive hit that reset button more times then ive hit the replay button on youtube videos ;-;
who else is here from the 'convict allies' ending from fleeing the complex XD
definitly another 5
keep up the amazing work
Thank you! (^∇^)/
oh wow F in the chat for mouse
but the snake girl is cute as hell so 5 stars
i aint got words
Joined on 4/1/19